
Supplier Code of Conduct

공정거래를 지향하고 협력사와 동반성장하는 기업이 되겠습니다.

Kumho Petrochemical strives to bring sustainable corporate development and fulfill social responsibility. To this end, we make efforts to be faithful to the basics and principles based on a responsibility for society and the company. We put environmental safety and corporate ethics first and keep them our core values. In addition, we provide guidelines for the four primary fair trade practices to become a company aiming for fair trade and growing together with our partner companies.

We encourage our partner companies to fulfill these social responsibilities together with us. As part of it, we prepare the following agreements on the foundation of international standards and regulations as well as related laws. We pursue sustainable procurement based on mutual efforts to comply with the following items and capitalize on this effort to grow with our partner companies.

Environment and Safety

  • Comply with environmental management regulations in the entire manufacturing processes and encourage the establishment of eco-friendly methods.
  • Create a safe working environment through the continuous improvement of facilities and accident prevention efforts.
  • Comply with laws and agreements in and outside Korea relevant to environmental safety and health and strive to secure related certifications.
  • Make efforts in the mid- to long-term for energy efficiency, climate protection, and waste reduction.
  • Make efforts to minimize the negative impact on the environment of the local communities.

Labor and Human Rights

  • Support protecting internationally proclaimed human rights and do not force workers to work against their free will. (Prohibition of human trafficking and forced labor)
  • Prohibit the employment of children under the minimum working age by law. (Prohibition of child labor)
  • Do not harass or discriminate on the grounds of gender, school, religion, physical disability, or any other reasons.
  • Comply with the labor and human rights laws in terms of maximum working hours, minimum wage, working conditions, and freedom of association.
  • Do not use conflict zone minerals as our raw materials and actively collaborate with related due diligence.

Ethics and Anti-corruption

  • Treat the entire trade parties equally and give equal and fair opportunities to them.
  • Maintain integrity in trade relationships and strictly prohibit the provision of gifts, money or valuables, financial benefits, or other financial convenience.
  • Do not take advantage of our superior position and do not blackmail, embezzle, solicit, or demand unreasonable compensation.
  • Comply with anti-corruption standards under laws and prohibit all other illegal and unethical acts.
  • Do not leak, store, or use trade secrets, corporate information, or personal information acquired in the course of trade without prior approval.

We and our partners comply with this agreement in a global business environment and commit to our best efforts to improve the sustainability of our business relationships

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