
Polypropylene Glycol
用软质多元醇生产的聚氨酯泡沫属于 Open Cell结构,通气性能优越,通过配方可以在很大范围内调节密度,同时还能呈现出多种性能。 用硬质多元醇生产的聚氨酯泡沫属于闭孔结构,由于使用的发泡剂的低导热系数,使得其隔热性能卓越。Non-Foam多元醇也可用做涂层,粘合剂,密封剂,弹性体,用途多种多样,根据各用途,可表现出相应的特征和性能。


  • 软质用多元醇:垫子的材料广泛用在家具, 椅子, 鞋, 汽车等
  • 硬质用多元醇:冰箱, 面板, 冷藏集装箱, LNG绝热保冷液


  • 软质用多元醇:弹性,伸长率,拉伸强度和撕裂强度​​优异
  • 硬质用多元醇:高强度和良好的成形性和粘结性,优良的保温隔热性能


Rigid type Polyol
Category Grade OH No(mg KOH/g) Viscosity(cps at 25℃) Characteristics
Rigid type Polyol PPG-280 270~290 200~300 Low viscous & reactive polyol
PPG-360 350~370 3,000~4,000 High functional polyol
PPG-365 355~375 300~400 Low viscous & reactive polyol
PPG-391 385~405 3,500~5,500 Low K-factor
PPG-440 440~460 5,000~6,000 High functional polyol
PPG-450 345~385 300~400 Low-viscous polyol for wood lmitation
PPG-455 410~465 12,000~16,000 High functional polyol
PPG-482 460~500 35,000~55,000 High functional polyol
PPG-490 480~500 6,500~7,500 Low-viscous polyol
PPG-510 490~510 4,500~5,500 Low viscous polyol
PPG-640 625~655 15,000~17,000 Reactive polyol
PPG-750 735~765 16,000~19,000 High-viscous & reactive polyol
PPG-784 370~430 3,000~6,000 Blended polyol, for C-pentane
PPG-771 400~430 400~700 System polyol, C-pentane
PPG-433.57 350~420 2,100~3,500 일반 주입 시스템 폴리올(R-141b용)
PPG-433.58 370~410 1,500~2,500 블렌드 폴리올(HFC-365mfc/227ea용)
PPG-600 series 380~410 2,500~3,500 시스템 폴리올(R-11& R-141b용)
PPG-610 360~390 400~1,000 PR 판넬 시스템 폴리올(R-141b용)
PPG-800 350~380 800~1,500 LNG 탱크 단열 시스템 폴리올
PPG-401 series 385~455 1,000~1,500 All water system high density wood insulation
PPG-790 series 400~500 500~1,500 일반 Side Impact pad 시스템 폴리올
PPG-542 - 800~1,400 High density all water system polyol
PPG-433.56 - 200~600 Low density R-11 system and R-141b
PPG-300 290~350 150~350 블렌드 & 시스템 폴리올(R-141b용)
PPG-310 series 290~350 300~600 All water용 EPS 판넬 접착 시스템 폴리올
Non-foam Polyol
Category Grade OH No(mg KOH/g) Viscosity(cps at 25℃) Characteristics MW
Non-foam Polyol PPG-200D 545~585 20~40 저밀도, 흐름성우수 200
PPG-1000 160~180 230~270 일액형 스프레이폼(Base 폴리올) 1,000
PPG-1000D 105~115 135~165 Good abrasion, Fatigue resistance, Elongation 1000
PPG-2000D 54~58 260~340 Better abrasion, Fatigue resistance, Elongation 2,000
PPG-2050D 54~58 300~400 고반응성, 신율 및 내마모성 개선 2,000
PPG-2100 54~58 460~550 Good resilience, Tensile strength, Hardness 3,000
PPG-3000D 33~37 540~640 High abrasion, Flex fatigue resistance, Elongation 3,000
PPG-3020 54~58 480~540 Highly reactive triol 3,000
PPG-400D 265~295 50~80 Low viscosity, Good flowability 400
PPG-4000 40~44 500~800 Good resilience, Tensile strength 4,000
PPG-4020D 26~30 850~1,150 Highly reactive diol 4,000
PPG-4701N 32~36 800~880 Better resilience, Tensile stength, Hardness 5,000
PPG-5000 31~35 800~1,000 Good resilience, Tensile strength 5,000
Rexible type Polyol
Category Grade OH No(mg KOH/g) Viscosity(cps at 25℃) Characteristics
Rexible type Polyol PPG-2070 220~250 350~450 General-purpose base polyol for slow recovery foam
PPG-3010 54~58 450~550 General-purpose base polyol for slabstocks
PPG-3022 54~58 400~500 General-purpose base polyol for slabstocks
PPG-3322 46~49 500~600 General-purpose reactive polyol for slabstocks
PPG-4701 32~36 800~880 Base polyol for high cold bean cold cure system
PPG-4702 32~36 800~900 Cold cure용 반응성 Base 폴리올
PPG-5021 29~35 1,650~2,150 Specialty polyol for cold cure, Cell opener
PPG-5815 26~30 1,000~1,300 Reactive base polyol for high resilience cold cure
PPG-6000 26~30 1,100~1,300 Reactive base polyol for high resilience cold cure
PPG CS-540 19~23 5,500~8,000 Flexible mold foam
PPG CS-743 28~32 4,000~7,000 High hardness for slab, Slabstocks foam
PPG CS-846 28~32 4,700~5,300 고경도용 연질 Slab foam
PPG-3600 46~50 700~1,200 Slab stocks foam(Solid content 10%)
PPG-3601 39.5~43.5 850~1,100 Slab stocks foam(Solid content 15%)
PPG-3602 35~39 1,200~2,000 Slab stocks foam(Solid content 25%)
PPG-3526 47~50 700~800 Flame lamination(LF) foam system with low fogging
PPG-3544 69~73 450~550 Flame lamination(LF) foam system with good flam retardant and adhesive property
PPG-7750 300~500 500~800 자동차용 Head liner용
PPG-4605 - 1,300~1,700 Cushion system for car and furniture(MDI cold cure)
PPG-4607 - 1,200~1,400 Low density cushion system for car and furniture(MDI cold cure)
PPG-7480 - 500~700 Dash pad용 저악취, 저밀도 시스템
PPG-4600 - 1,500~1,800 Head rest 및 가구용 Cushion 시스템
PPG-4750 - 1,500~1,800 One piece molded head rest system
PPG-7815 - 1,500~2,000 Integral skin foam
PPG-7900 Series - 1,000~1,500 General side impact pad system


领域 担当 名字 連絡處 EMAIL
营业 Serim Hur +82-2-6961-1865 mail
技术支持 China Kyeonghwan Kwak +82-2-6961-1905 mail
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